
Podcast production and consultancy
With production of almost 400 podcast episodes under my belt, I have abundant experience to help you develop your podcast idea; identify, reach and develop your audience; and integrate your podcast with your other activities and services.
I have developed a range of capacity building workshops that range from supporting people new to podcasting and unsure if it is for them and their organisation; through to getting your podcast off the ground with its own identity and voice. Bespoke needs can be supported too. These can be delivered in workshop settings or via webinars.
I have several clients, mainly in the voluntary, community and not-for-profit sector, for whom I produce podcast output including Sporting Heritage CIC, Insole Court, International Association for Community Development, MVAI4N, the Creu Cyffro project in Merthyr, and Wales Council for Voluntary Action.
Examples of feedback from people I have helped engage with podcast media:

Community Development consultancy
With over 20 years experience in communities in Wales I offer consultancy services for those who want to initiate, develop and grow community action such as community organisations, housing providers, and public bodies:
- Facilitation of action planning
- Mapping community action
- Growing social capital
- Evaluation
- Help to understand and use the National Occupation Standards for Community Development
- Digital technologies in community development
Contact me to discuss further your specific aims and how I can help.
Digital Inclusion consultancy
Throughout my community development career I have pioneered and championed digital inclusion:
- In Hightown, Wrexham I established Wales’s first broadband-enabled community IT suite in the early 2000s
- Pioneered the first use of podcasts among Wales’s community development workforce for the sharing of learning as part of the Communities First programme
- Established the first podcast dedicated to community development
- Piloted online Moodle and webinar learning content for Communities First
- Digital Inclusion trainer on the Digital Communities Wales programme
- Facilitated podcasting workshops in secondary schools with pupils outside of mainstream educational provision